Karibu - Welcome

Ngila Coffe Estate was founded in the beginnig of the twenties centruy by a German settler. An adventurous untertaking, as you can imagine, but with success. The coffee farmer laif the foundation for the unique coffee that grows in this mineral-rich volcanic soil.The farm is situated in 1600m altitude on the edge of the cloud forest of the northern highlands, next to, the famous Ngorongoro Crater. In 1992 the farm was bought by the German family Meyer. Since then, new technology like modern drip irrigation and water saving coffee processing equipment was installed. With proven and experienced staff, Ngila Coffee Estate offers a highland coffee that meets the high standards of quality conscious coffee roaster and friends.

E-Mail contact

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Vera Stücker

Siethwende 26

25576 Brokdorf

Tel:        +49 4858 1074

Fax:       +49 4858 397

Mobile: +49 171 1700844

E-Mail:   vera.stuecker@ngila.com


Vera Stücker

Ngila Est. Ltd PO BOX 221 Karatu

Mobile:  +255 754 260069 

E-Mail:   office@ngila.com

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